Remarketing Ads

Google Remarketing Ads Dubai & UAE

Google Remarketing ads can assist whether you’re looking to drive sales activity, increase registrations or encourage a shopper to include something to their shopping cart. It can also help to complete a transaction or promote awareness of your brand. As such, Remarketing remain a vital component of your advertising. 

We at Synleads can assist you in implementing specialized Remarketing campaign to reach out to visitors that got to your websites or app and did not convert, the ads will remind this audience to make a purchase.

How Remarketing Work:

Remarketing Ads Synleads

With remarketing campaigns, you are reminding and convincing visitors that that did not convert the first time that have earlier expresses interest in your product.

Some of Synleads Remarketing Strategies

Setting up remarketing campaigns greatly depends on your marketing objectives and your intended target audience. Some of the tips to consider when setting up your remarketing campaigns are as follows:

Targeting all website visitors and app users

Instead of just targeting the audience that has visited your website or interacted with your app as most people do, use the google optimized list. This is obtained in AdWords Shared Library, a combined audience based on different sources.  

Opting to target a similar audience

You can target visitors who possess similar characteristics. With this, you can reach your best-performing audiences by targeting new users with similar characteristics to your website visitor.

Use aggressive auto-targeting method

By default, the Display network shows your ads to an audience similar to the one you’ve targeted. 

Remind online store visitors of abandoned shopping carts

Sometimes some visitors come to an online store to pick things into their shopping carts without moving ahead to make a purchase. This set of visitors already have an intention to purchase. Remarketing to them through setting up a re-marketing list to target this set of people would help them make a decision to purchase since the interest is already there.

Target customers within a certain time period after they completed a purchase

One could also target customers at certain periods after their initial interaction i.e. made a purchase. It could be 30 days or 60 days periods.

We will help you grow your business

To know more about our remarketing services