Snapchat Ads

Snapchat Advertising & Marketing

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SnapChat advertising

SnapChat Ad types

Snap Chat ad format is likely to sell products to massive target markets. Predominantly working for B2C space.

Snap Chat Ad types are:

  • Snap Ads: They last about 10 seconds and appeal to the widest range of advertisers. Benefits included driving people to a website, install apps or simply watch long-form video.
  • Filters: Filters ad type shows up when photos are taken on the app. They are meant more for business that operates conventionally, as well as over the Internet.
  • Sponsored Lenses:  lenses also show up on selfie shots and are best used for massive brand-awareness campaigns.
Snapchat advertising
How much does it cost to advertise on Snapchat?


Snap Chat Ads start from as little as $5. Want more territory? Or a long-running ad? Price increases accordingly, up to $3,000 per month in ad spending (Charged by Snapchat). Agency fees are determined by agencies.

Snapchat Lenses ads are priced for each day of the week.

Are Snapchat ads targeted?

Snapchat advertisers can use a pixel to make ads more trackable and targeted.

Are Snapchat ads worth it?

Snapchat has up to 200 million daily users, watching 10 billion videos each day and that means that it is worth paying attention to for growing businesses.

We will help you grow your business

To know more about advertising your business on Snapchat get in touch with us.